Holistic Therapies · Hypnotherapy · Stress Management

The Benefits of LAUGHER


Laughter is contagious. How often do we hear someone else’s laughter and find that we want to laugh as well. Or we may begin to recall good jokes or funny incidents that have happened to ourselves or others.

When was the last time you had a belly-aching laugh? A laugh that was so intense, so incredibly rich that it went right down into your belly?

Laugher is known as the cure to all ills. We all know the story of the famous author and politician Norman Cousins who suffered from heart disease. He developed a recovery programme of taking Vitamin C and laughter. He stated, “I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an aesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep.”

There are many ways to induce laugher.
-watching funny films
-visiting a comedy club
-reading a funny book
-joking with friends and family
-finding the humour in your life
-watching comedy TV programmes

There is a physical release when you laugh that opens up a rebalancing of your energies. It is also an emotional release.

More importantly, it reduces your stress hormones, and increases your health hormones (such as endorphins). It increases the number of anti-body producing cells, therefore enhancing the effectiveness of T-Cells (cell mediated immunity), and equalling a stronger immune system.

Laughter is also a fantastic distraction away from any stressful situation, anger, or procrastination.

Laughter is also a very social attraction. People always want to look into the direction in which there is laughter. This will increase your social capabilities since it connects you with others. This in itself reduces your stress levels.

As much as we feel better after a good cry, we feel even better after a good laugh.

What will you do TODAY to L A U G H?

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